September Lecture by chef Zachary Mazi

Chef Zachary Mazi joined us virtually from Thailand for the September 2020 PPMS meeting. His 10 week trip has turned into an 8 month stay, due to the COVID pandemic and travel restrictions. But, he is making the most of his time there learning the language and hunting the many different species of fungi. From earth stars to chanterelles, he shares stories and recipes you don’t want to miss!

Zachary shared a couple of his recipes, which you can find here: Nam Prik Hed_Gaeng Panaeng

And here’s a visual chart of wild edible mushrooms of Thailand:

Eleana Hsu Lecture and Resources

Eleana’s suggested books on Koji fermentation:

Follow Shared Cultures on Instagram @SharedCultures and visit their website at



Virtual June Meeting – June 24

PPMS June Meeting Info
Please join us Wednesday June 24 at 6:00 p.m. for our monthly club meeting LIVE on Youtube.

Eleana Hsu joins us all the way from San Francisco to present: Shared Cultures Introduction: Transforming Foods With The Magic of Microbes and Koji

Eleana is a master fermentress and an experienced Koji teacher.

Everyone is welcome to join. Watch on the PPMS YouTube channel

May Meeting + Lecture by Mercedes Whitman

High Desert Mushroom Cultivation & Other Fungal Pursuits
presented by Mercedes Whitman for the May 2020 PPMS meeting.

Mercedes Perez Whitman is a permaculturalist, urban farmer and citizen mycologist who practices earthworks in Colorado Springs. She is the founder of MycoSprings LLC, a mycologically-focused business that’s part of the regenerative landscaping co-op OrganaGardens Cooperative. Her work is embedded in improving land health by cultivating native, climate relevant and drought tolerant plants and fungi, alongside land, environmental and food justice advocacy.

May Meeting To Be Broadcast LIVE on Youtube

PPMS May meeting
Join us LIVE on Youtube on May 27 @ 6pm

Mercedes Whitman will be presenting High Desert Mushroom Cultivation &Other Fungal Pursuits. She’ll talk  about the challenges unique to the high desert of the Southwest and how mushroom cultivation and working with fungi for applications such as building soil health, water retention, erosion control and remediation can help address them.

Progressively unpredictable weather patterns and more intense, but less frequent, rains are regular challenges in the Southwest, and increasingly so worldwide with climate change. The practices she will demonstrate can be applied anywhere, from entire cities, forest and grassland preserves and even your own backyard. 

Designing microclimates that support fungal growth, makes for more social and ecological resilience. Water catchment and placement, mulching, passive hoop house syst

ems, and using native and climate relevant species, are feasible and cost effective ways of cultivating mushrooms consistently, and using fungi for the overall well being of our lands and ourselves.

April Meeting and Lectures

The April 2020 meeting of The Pikes Peak Mycological society, broadcast via Zoom to YouTube Live.


  • Welcome to PPMS by PPMS board and officers
  • Safety in the Woods and What to Bring on a Foray by Jennifer Bell, Club Vice President
  • Introduction To Fungi of Colorado and Beyond by Ben Kinsley, Club President

Join us for our first ever virtual meeting!

ppms First Meeting of 2020!
Live on Youtube!

The Pikes Peak Mycological Society will host our first ever remote meeting, broadcast live on Youtube on April 22, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome to join!  

Our club VP, Jennifer Bell, will be discussing “Safety In The Woods” and “What To Bring On A Foray” and our club President, Ben Kinsley, will present an “Introduction To Fungi of Colorado and Beyond.”

Our Youtube channel is:\

Questions?  Email us a 

 “See” you there!